Client Manager: Adding, Editing, and Deleting Clients

MBS Highway’s new Client Manager allows you to manage and edit clients easily. Once added, you can send reports directly from Client Manager or select your client when using one of our tools or calculators. To start adding clients to Client Manager, follow the instructions below:


Navigating to Client Manager


Hover your mouse over your headshot/silhouette, and then click Client Manager



Adding a Client 

1. Click + Add Client.

2. Type the client's name.

  • Optional: Type a primary email address and up to three secondary email addresses. You will need this to share reports via email.

3. Choose the FICO score range that your client falls into.

4. Add your client's Monthly Qualifying Income and Debt to Income Ratio (optional).

5. Click Create.

Editing a Client’s Information


You can edit a client's name, primary email address, secondary email address (up to 3), FICO score range, monthly qualifying income, and debt to income ratio. Follow the steps below:

1. Click the corresponding down arrow icon for the client you would like to edit.

2. Click Edit.

3. Make your desired edits.

4. Click Save.



Deleting a Client

1. Click the corresponding down arrow icon for the client you would like to edit.

2. Click Delete.

3. Click Delete to confirm.

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