Color Blind Mode for the Market’s Overview Page

Screenshot 2023-09-15 at 4.23.45 PM.png

You can change the Markets Overview page to a color blind option. When colorblind is enabled:

  • Blue indicates an upward movement in the market. 
  • Yellow indicates a downward movement in the market.

To enable/disable this feature, follow the steps below:

  1. Hover over your photo icon and click on Edit Profile.
  2. Click on Edit Advanced Settings under Advanced Settings

Screenshot 2023-09-15 at 4.25.40 PM.png


  1. Click on the Color Blind Mode drop down. 
  2. Click on Enable to turn it on, or Disable to turn it off. 

Once you click on either enable or disable, a green banner will appear on the top of the page indicating your settings have been saved. 

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