LTV Analysis: What's Inside

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The LTV Analysis will generate two different reports depending on if the LTV target is met or not. 


LTV Target is Met

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  1. A Refinance Stance and Cash Position will be shown. 
    • Quick Note: cash position is the estimated available equity.
  2. The amount of time it would take for the savings from the refinance to cover the closing costs is listed under Break Even. 
  3. The monthly savings from refinancing and the change in loan term if savings is invested into the new mortgage is listed under Monthly Savings. 
  4. The estimated LTV is listed under Loan to Value.
  5. Below, yearly and monthly amortization schedules are generated for the refinance and the refinance including the investment of savings. The balance difference is shown in between both schedules. To switch between the yearly and monthly schedule, Click Yearly or Monthly above the charts.
  6. The potential total savings and increase in net worth is shown below the amortization charts.
    • Please note: This assumes that the savings from refinancing are paid towards the mortgage. 


LTV Target is Not Met

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  1. A Refinance Stance and Cash Position will be shown. 
  2. The chart below will show a time range for when the LTV target will be met.
    • You can edit the original purchase price using the pencil icon to the right of the chart. 
  3. The Break Even and estimated LTV are shown along with a Yearly and Monthly amortization schedule for the refinance.
  4. Below, yearly and monthly amortization schedules are generated for the refinance and the refinance including the investment of savings. The balance difference is shown in between both schedules. To switch between the yearly and monthly schedule, Click Yearly or Monthly above the charts.


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