MBe$timate, our Automated Valuation Model, allows you to search for any home and review property values, sales history, comps, and much more to help buyers make an informed decision.
To generate an estimate for your client's property:
- Enter a specific home address, including the unit # if applicable in the second field.
- A drop down will appear as you type. Once your property is found, click the location in the dropdown.
- Click Get Value.
The valuation model for the property will be generated including a low and high value estimate. We will also provide you a value confidence rating to help determine how confident we are with the estimated value.
To understand what's inside your MBe$timate report, go to the next article.
Please note: This tool relies on public records of sales to provide valuations. It will be unable to provide valuations for vacant land, new construction, attached properties with 5+ units, or properties lacking necessary data for itself or its potential comps.
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